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Size Inclusive Health Australia is working for a just and compassionate community, where all bodies are respected and belong.
Health At Every Size® is a registered trademark of the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) and used with permission.
ABOUT SIze Inclusive Health AustraliaSize Inclusive Health Australia is a non-profit, member-based association that brings together the highest quality information, training and specialists in Australia for size inclusive care, including the Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach. Size Inclusive Health Australia aims to:
OUR VISIONOur vision is for a just and compassionate community, where all bodies are respected and belong. | OUR MISSIONWe promote equitable access to evidence-based healthcare and life-enhancing practices for people of every size, through information, resources, and advocacy. |
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LEarnHealth At Every Size® (HAES®) is an approach to health policy and care that supports people of all sizes to take care of their health and well-being, without weight stigma. We provide evidence-informed resources for community members and training for health and fitness professionals. |
ConnectAcross Australia there are a growing number of professionals who use a HAES® approach in their clinical, community and public health practice. We connect people seeking size-inclusive health care with trained and experienced medical, allied health and fitness professionals. |
ACTWe stand for size-inclusive health policy and unbiased access to evidence-based health care and support that enhances connection and well-being for people of every size. |
Size Inclusive Health Australia is a not for profit, member-based association, funded by membership fees and operated by a team of dedicated volunteers.
Size Inclusive Health Australia declares it has not received money, employment, in-kind support or gifts
from pharmaceutical, weight-loss, food or fitness industries, and never will.